Several weeks ago we were finishing up a
study of the book of James with the young believers in Sambava. These men have been having Bible study at our
supervisors, Kurtis and Holly's, house a little less than a year. Some of the men had read about baptism and
wanted to be baptized while other men said they did not know enough about the
church in order to be baptized. There
are several types of churches in this area, but few if any solely teach the
Bible here in Sambava, Madagascar. So
the Baptist church and sole submission to God's word is new. We decided that when we were finished
studying James we would study Acts. This
would help the men understand what a true church is. It's been great to learn under our
supervisors, God has richly blessed us with their mentorship.
We recently studied James 4:13-15
13 Come
now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town
and spend a year there and trade and make a profit”— 14 yet
you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a
mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. 15 Instead
you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.”
Little did we know that the teaching from
this passage would come into affect very soon in all of our lives.
Last week Kurtis and Holly came to our
house with sad news. They will be going
back to the USA to have their baby, but due to pregnancy risks they will have
to leave this coming week and be gone for a long time. It is possible that they will not be able to
return here due to medical reasons. Then
came the second wave of change, since the next closest supervisors are 20+
hours away from us we will not be able to stay in this city.
We prayed and asked God to reign over
this situation. We were led to ask for
the decision to be reconsidered for us to stay in Sambava and continue the
ministry here. However, it was not approved
and this Wednesday we will be moving to Fort Dauphin, Madagascar. God is giving us peace with this and we look
forward to how He will use us for His glory in this new area.
Many changes come with our move. Leaving our friends and young believers here,
learning a new city, learning a new dialect of Malagasy (which seems to be
completely different than what we have studied for a month and a half), moving
our belongings, and meeting new supervisors and team mates. Many times in the past week and a half we
have just had to say, "God, you are still God." We have already seen His peace overwhelm us. Wow! Some
of the things He's shown me through reading John during this time, I wish I
could write them all to you. I know He
is seeking my good(molding me like Jesus) and His glory through this rough
situation. I've seen Him take ugly
situations in the past and make them beautiful.
I pray He gives me a glimpse of the beauty in the future, but for now we
will trust Him and expect His greatness to come of the heartbreaking present.
Last week we had to tell the men at
Bible study the sad news. We retold
James 4:13-15 and told them the news.
They were shocked that their teachers were leaving. We tried to answer all the questions they had
about the situation and we have all committed to pray that Kurtis and Holly can
return next year. "Can other people
come teach us the Bible?" they asked.
Then we began to read Acts with them as
we had planned. Do you know what the
beginning of Acts records? I believe God
knowing ahead of time the situation prepared this study for us. The disciples are standing looking up into
the sky because Jesus has just ascended into heaven. I think half of them were thinking,
"What do we do now??" They
soon remembered what Jesus had been teaching them for years. They received the Holy Spirit in their hearts
and began to preach the gospel. "Repent
and be baptized in Jesus name!"
Thousands of people were baptized in the first days of "the
church." The church learned
together, fellowshipped together, ate together, and prayed together.
I'm not saying we are Jesus himself, but
I imagine that on Wednesday when we fly out of Sambava the men will be standing
there just like Jesus' disciples. These
new believers from the Bible study are having to grow up fast like the
disciples did when Jesus ascended, but just as the disciples did, these men
have something better than a teacher, they have God's Spirit! We entrust them to the Father. I pray they will continue to learn,
fellowship, eat, and pray together.
I can already see God's glory shining in
the midst of sadness.
Yesterday, not just the 2 men that wanted
to be baptized, but 5 men made a public proclamation of their faith in Jesus
Christ through baptism! These are
leaders of this town, business men, leaders of families, and forever changed
men of God.
There is already talk about where Bible
study will take place next week when we are gone.
To add another "Halleluiah" to
all of this, one of the villages a well was dug in last month has asked that
these men come teach them the Bible. We
have given the men this challenge and they are excited to begin this ministry!
There is a hard road ahead of these new
children of God. Please earnestly pray
for them as they continue to grow in their relationship with God. Ask God to give them opportunities to pray
and see His answers that will build their trust in Him.
Although Leah and I are very sad to
leave our new home and friends and travel to the opposite end of this huge
island, we know that God will provide.
Pray for His glory to come of it all!
He has sent us out and we continue to follow Him--wherever.
Seeking His Glory in the midst of Change,
I was "Happy" and rejoicing! |
Indian Ocean Baptism=Watch out for that wave! |
To God be the Glory! |