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Saturday, December 6, 2014

The Great Commission Sandwich

Last week at the English Center Bible study we were talking about the Great Commission and I noticed something for the first time.  Here is the passage:
Matthew 28:18-20
“And Jesus came and said to them, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.  And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.’”

The part I had memorized in the past starts with “Go therefore” and ends with “commanded you.”  Although this part is our “commission,” what comes before and after the commission is essential to the fulfillment of the commission.  I thought, what if the great commission was a sandwich?  A sandwich isn’t a sandwich without the bread on both sides.  When I saw this passage in a fresh way this past week I realized the commission is only the meat of the sandwich.  The bread that makes the Great Commission work is said before and after by Jesus and is IN Jesus.

The first slice of bread:  “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.”
If the God that I “Go” for has all authority, how does this change the way I “Go”? 
First of all, Jesus has all authority and he tells me to “Go.” I follow the small authority of a policeman in the middle of the bush in Madagascar, why do I sometimes not follow Jesus who has all authority? 

Secondly, there are times we face evil powers that scare and freeze us up from “making disciples.”  Here in Madagascar it may be a witch doctor that doesn’t like you preaching the gospel, a bandit road block that makes you not want to travel to villages, or disownment from family for not following ancestor worship traditions.  In America it may be ostracizing from family for trying to reach your lost family members, loss of a job for shining your “light” too bright for your boss’ taste, or abandoning a materialist lifestyle that ties up all your money that could be used for the Great Commission.  No doubt about it, Jesus has all authority and our working in the Great Commission should convey His authority.  Jesus’ authority over heaven and earth should change the confidence and trust we “Go” in!

The second slice of bread:  “And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
This is a promise!  The purpose of Jesus being with us is that our “Go”ing will be in His strength and for His glory.  We are not in this alone and we must not rely on our own strength, ability, and understanding!  We are walking with Jesus into that village, office, or holiday party.  I’ve realized that the work of making disciples is something I can not control or do by myself.  When we left a small town 2 weeks ago after watching 8 people be baptized, I prayed that God would grow their trust in Him through situations and prayers answered in the coming weeks.  Going back to that town this weekend I heard from a new believer that he has a testimony of God providing.  I am not alone to make this young man a disciple!  Christ is with me, and now with my new brother also!

So, as you “Go therefore and make disciples” don’t forget the “Bread” of Life; remember that Christ is with you and that He has all authority!

For His Amazing Work,
