Care Packages

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The light of the world in a Malagasy Prison

Over a month ago, our Malagasy friend's dad and brother went to prison.  The brother and dad were security guards for different shifts at a local shop.  The brother stole some things from the shop and because he is related to the other security guard, his father, the court system put them both in prison.  They have both been in prison for the past month and a half.  They were waiting for their trial.  While in prison, there is no food provided, but the family of the prisoners must bring meals for their family members to eat.  Sometimes the food is stolen by prison officials or other prisoners. 

The brother was guilty, but the father was not an accomplice.  However, they both were in prison until the trial because they did not pay the bribe or the bail to get out.  While the father and older brother are in prison, the stresses of providing for the family are no longer spread out, but fall on our friend and the remaining relatives.  It is a trial for them, a test of their faith.

Two weeks ago the trial came to court.  I went with our friend to the court.  The judge said that the father seemed innocent and should be released, however the accuser didn't come to court that day so they put both men back in prison for two more weeks.  As I watched my friend watch his father be handcuffed to his brother and be walked back to prison with an armed guard, I knew what I needed to pray for his family.  We prayed together that his family would not be labeled/justified by this world, but put on the label that they have from our Father in heaven.  My friend's father is a Christian and he is a "child of the King."  I prayed that he would not let the court, accuser, or neighbors label him, but that he would see himself as God see's him.  A justified and loved, child of the King.  "Lord, may he not look for approval of man, but look to glorify you!"  Our friend was really inspired by this prayer and we've prayed it several times in the past few weeks.

Yesterday was the court date and we watched the brother and father stand before the judge and prosecutor.  I stood there, not understanding much of what was said, but praying for the release of the father.  The prosecutor slandered the father for the shame his son had brought on the family and claimed that the father was an accomplice.  My friend listened as they hurt his father's name and reputation with their words.  In the end, the judge sentenced the brother to one year in prison and a $2000 settlement (3-4 years wage).  But she set the dad free!  We all celebrated and thanked God for the father being set free.

Our friend reported to us today of the happenings of his father's arrival home.  His story reminded me of the prayer we prayed.  I'll let you decide how God answered it.

His father said that the other prisoners were sad that he was leaving prison because they were losing someone who prayed for the sick in the prison.  This man has been the light of the world in the prison!  Praying for the sick in the midst of his own trial!  Wow, that's called being a "child of the King."

The father's extended family came into town from the bush and is telling the father to return to the homeland and sacrifice a sheep to be cleansed from the dirty prison.  The father refused, at the disapproval of the extended family, because he is not approved by extended family or by the spirits, but by his Father in heaven.

I saw my friend smiling today.  He is proud of his dad.  He is proud that his father is a man of God.  Extended family, neighbors, and accusers have said many bad things, but this man is not approved by man, he is approved by God because he is a "child of the King."

Glory to God!

A Call to Action:
+ Pray for the father to find a new job and continue to trust God in the next part of this trial.
+ Pray that the extended family is reached with the Gospel through this testimony.
+ Pray for the brother in prison.

In the midst of the trial or situation you are in right now, how can you bring Glory to God?  Maybe you can start by thinking through Galatians 1:10, "For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ."  Next, think through Matthew 5:16, "In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven."

For His Amazing Work,