Care Packages

Saturday, November 7, 2015

0% Chance

When you present the gospel to someone, what's the percentage chance that you can convince them to follow Christ?  
Honestly, if you would have asked me a few years ago I would have thought I had a small, but yet some chance, maybe 10%-20%.  After all, I can relate to the average American, contextualize the gospel, speak their language, and use apologetics. However, the more and more I share the gospel to the Antandroy the more and more I realize the smaller and smaller chance I've got at convincing anyone, whether Antandroy or American.

I know I'm stating the obvious, "Sunday School Answer," by saying this, but here it goes:
I've got 0% chance at changing anyone's mind about following Christ.
In fact, in my own ability, all I've got the ability to do is look ridiculous to those that are lost.  Thousands of people have already looked at me as ridiculous and they think I'm wasting my time.  Plainly, "For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God."  1 Corinthians 1:18

This work relies completely on God! 

Situation after situation, person after person, when I open my eyes to the cultural differences, language abilities, and more importantly deep lostness, I'm brought to my knees with one prayer to the God of all power, "Abba, these people have 0% chance at turning and believing without your work in their lives.  I will plant and water, but you must make them grow!"

It's when I'm staring into the eyes of an old man that has worshiped his ancestors all his life and taught his grandchildren to do the same, that I say, "Father, I've got 0% chance at convincing him without you!"

It's when I'm speaking like a 4 year old to 100 lost villagers that I pray, "Father, I've got 0% chance at convincing them, but I will faithfully share the gospel as best I can and trust the power of your word!  Convict and save them!"

It's when the fact that I'm a foreigner screams, "I'm rich and here to bring you money" louder than my mouth says, "I'm a servant of God here to bring you the good news of Jesus" that I pray, "I've got 0% chance at getting genuine responses, call out your children Lord!"

And God has been doing just that, calling His children out!

8 months ago we were invited to a village with no Christians.  We arrived in the village to find witchcraft, ancestor worship, and family feuds.  We've visited them several times in which we've: taught them several Bible stories and the way of salvation through Jesus, prayed at their houses, eaten their food, and distributed Bibles.  At the beginning of September we arrived in this same village to find a group of adults teaching the children to sing a worship song to God, symbols of witchcraft becoming less and less, and brothers that have forgiven each other.  This is the power of God, taking a village that was completely lost and worshiping their ancestors to now teaching their children to worship God.  
Our trip to this village in October was even better!  11 people independently stood up and said they wanted to follow Jesus starting that day.  Vows were made in front of the witch doctor and the rest of the village that they would not go to the witch doctor again, but they are following and trusting Jesus from now on!  We have a plan with the believers for baptism in November.  The Lord is up to more that than we imagined and its a beautiful work!
We had a 0% chance at genuinely changing this village, but look how God is transforming it!!

I'm glad that the Lord has brought me to this place of 100% dependence on His power in evangelism. 

I pray you are encouraged to go share the gospel with your network through this story.  It might be that you need to be willing to be called ridiculous and realize that you have 0% chance at genuinely winning that person to Christ without the power of God at work.

Having a 0% chance doesn't mean we don't go and share the gospel, it means we go dependent on and with confidence in our Father.  He is after all, the Lord of the harvest!

For His Amazing Work,

Andrew Snipes

Praise the Lord of the Harvest! Matthew 9:38
Prayer Request:  Ask the Lord of the harvest to bring up a laborer from this group.  He's already provided some women to help lead, now we are praying for a man.  The four men in the picture are the first 4 men to follow Christ in this village.  May He raise a leader from these four men.